The club is a group of diverse, curious, passionate members focused on making life better for human beings around the globe and the betterment of the environment.
We unite and take action to better our world, our community and ourselves. We believe in projects that disrupts the status quo and bring new ideas to serve humanity better.
Southgate Neighbors is the brainchild of Southgate resident Frayda Glass, who founded the group in 2017. From the beginning, our group was diverse and lively with the common trait that most of us live in Palo Alto’s Southgate neighborhood.
Our goal is to socialize, exchange views on a variety of subjects and knit the neighborhood more tightly together. We take turns hosting our monthly meetings in member’s houses and even without a formal agenda, we have the most interesting and entertaining gatherings. We are helping each other as neighbors and friends.
Sophie received a service award from the new chief of police of Palo Alto. She was a member since the beginning of the program that concluded earlier this year.